NewRoyal Family

Prince William BREAKS SILENCE About The Future Of The Monarchy As King Charles Abdicates Throne

We know that Prince Charles is next in line for the throne, but when his reign is done, Prince William may get his chance. His wife, Princess Catherine, makes being a queen consort seem effortless. One spoke to a friend of Prince William after the weekend, and what he told me left me worried about the future of the monarchy because William is in full agreement over the slim lining. He told me when the older members of the family retire, His Royal Highness won’t be inviting anyone else to become working Royals. It remains to be seen if he will even want his two younger children to be working Royals.

That is what William wants. His sources claim he sees the small European monarchies as a model for the future. The Princess of Wales’ first official appearance since announcing she was undergoing treatment for cancer delighted many Royal fans as she stood smiling and looking radiant alongside her family. The Princess of Wales was side by side with her husband, Prince William, and their three children on the balcony of Buckingham Palace at Trooping the Colour on Saturday and beamed happily as she waved to the crowds below.

The King has reportedly decided to stick with the late Queen Elizabeth’s decision to only have working Royals on the balcony, so the junior members were unable to join them. In previous years, the long terrace was packed out with more minor members, all squeezed in together as they watched the flypast. Apparently, it was seen as an opportunity to celebrate the entire family in its symbolic glory. But it’s this relatively new decision for a sparse balcony show that has Royal experts worried. They point to the lonely figure of the Duke of Kent, who in years gone by would have been accompanied by his close family such as his wife, children, and his glamorous granddaughters Lady Amelia and Lady Marina Windsor, but who on Saturday appeared as a solitary figure.

The King has chosen to stick with his mother’s decision to scrap tradition and keep the appearance scaled down. She originally decided it wasn’t necessary because she couldn’t exclude the Sussexes as well as the troublesome Duke of York if she was allowing other non-working Royal members to appear. A source also claims other minor members of The Firm, such as Lord Frederick Windsor, the son of Queen Elizabeth’s adored first cousin Prince Michael of Kent, and his recently bereaved sister Lady Gabriella Windsor, were asked to stay out of sight behind the curtain in the center room at the palace, like some embarrassing relative.

Therefore, the Royals believed that it would be beneficial for the family to change this uninspiring policy and include more smiling members of the family on this happy occasion. It was dismaying to find out that there are apparently no plans for it in the future. In fact, the show of unity could become even more restricted. Sophie, Duchess of Edinburgh, is the only other member under 60, which could mean that by the time William becomes king and Catherine queen, they could be the only full-time Royals left.

In the original plan for the future, Harry and his wife were intended to play an integral role, sharing the workload with William and Catherine, but now they are no longer involved. The King’s vision has been shattered. To solve this, experts believe William should take his lead out of his grandmother’s book, who asked her cousins to help with the duties. Therefore, William may want to rethink his radical vision to turn to his cousins, Princess Beatrice and Eugenie, Lady Louise Windsor, and the Earl of Wessex for help in sharing the load when it’s time for him to ascend the throne.

There’s been much speculation over whether Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie may take up official Royal duties after stepping out to support the Princess of Wales with Peter Phillips and Zara Tindall at the Buckingham Palace Garden Party. It is understood that the younger Royals were drafted in to help out because of the unique circumstances Prince William is facing as his wife, the princess, continues to focus on her recovery from cancer. It wasn’t a first for the cousins, who have been regulars at Garden parties over the years; however, they have been a lot more prominent in the public eye over the past few weeks.

When the Duke and Duchess of Sussex announced in 2020 that they wanted to start a new life outside of the monarchy, Elizabeth II made it clear that they could not be half in and half out. Consequently, it is unlikely Eugenie and Beatrice could take on official duties without a review of that stance.

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