Royal Family

SUSPICIOUS CHANGES In The Lives Of George, Charlotte & Louis As Their Mother Battles Cancer

Like a fairy tale, since Princess Katherine was diagnosed with cancer and began chemotherapy at home, life for the Wales family has changed dramatically. As the royal couple adapts to these challenging times, the hands-on parents have established unique and surprising roles for their children to balance education and playtime. These rules are designed to maintain a sense of normalcy and create a quiet environment, ensuring the children’s well-being while their mother is undergoing treatment.

Royal children follow a meticulously structured daily routine where the day is divided into clear blocks of time for fun, learning, and family time. This schedule helps maintain a sense of normalcy and structure, importantly during this period of uncertainty. Education remains a priority for Princess Charlotte, Prince Louis, and Prince George despite emotional and physical challenges at home.

The Prince and Princess of Wales have once again found themselves among thousands of parents in the nation who are educating their children at home. They once spoke about the challenges of homeschooling, admitting that they had kept their eldest children in the dark about the Easter holidays as they continued to homeschool online back in April. Giving an insight into how the family spent their Easter, Katherine admitted she felt very mean for continuing lessons at their home at Amner Hall. She told, “Don’t tell the children we’ve actually kept it going through the holidays. I feel very mean.”

Prince William described homeschooling as fun, while his wife added it was challenging ensuring their children maintain their education while schools are closed. The mother of three added, “The children have such stamina and I don’t know how, honestly. You get to the end of the day, and you write down the list of all the things that you’ve done in the day. So, you pitch a tent, take down a tent again, cook, bake—you get to the end of the day, and you had a lovely time, but it’s amazing how much you can cram into one day, that’s for sure.”

During his appearance on the Peter Crouch podcast, Prince William admitted homeschooling was not his forte. The Royal shared, “Probably that my patience is a lot shorter than I thought it was, and that my wife has a lot of patience. I was a bit embarrassed about my math knowledge.” Catherine, meanwhile, revealed in May that George wasn’t happy about the fact that his little sister was getting more exciting school projects. She said, “George gets very upset because he wants to do Charlotte’s projects because making things like spider sandwiches is far cooler than doing literacy work.”

While following a strict homeschooling schedule and being assigned a study space, the children are also allowed to study in different areas of the house or garden. This flexibility has helped keep them motivated and comfortable. Children are encouraged to participate in fun outdoor activities to help them stay active and healthy. When they are not with the Prince and Princess of Wales, the children are cared for by Royal Nanny Maria to ensure that Princess Katherine can rest undisturbed.

She has set up specific times during the day when the children can play outside at their home in Adelaide Cottage in Windsor. As well as teaching the Wales children Spanish, Maria runs a tight ship that strictly includes time to play outside every day, regardless of the weather. The nanny mentioned in a book that there are tons of outdoor games, bike rides with their dogs, likely gardening, and getting their hands dirty. It might come as a surprise to the Royal children that they would go out in the rain for muddy playtime, as they always look so put together during public engagements.

However, the Princess of Wales has established herself as a warm mother, evident in her openly affectionate interactions with her children. The nanny reassured both the children and Princess Katherine with the knowledge that the children were well cared for and that their activities were managed appropriately for the children to participate in care activities.

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