NewRoyal Family

The Palace’s SHOCKING NEWS About Prince George During State Visit Amid Speculation For His Future

As the third in line to the British throne, Prince George’s preparation for his future role as king is subject to much speculation and interest. Unlike his predecessors, Prince William and Prince Charles, George’s training is expected to take a markedly different approach, reflecting the evolving nature of the monarchy and the modern world in which it operates.

Royal children are privy to a number of strict rules they must follow, from the length of their trousers to the way that they travel. But our favorite rule break of all time has to be when Prince George flouted the strict dress code to meet the heads of state by wearing his dressing gown.

Cast your mind back to 2016. The young royal was pictured blurry-eyed with sleep as he shook the President of the United States, Barack Obama’s hand during a state visit at Buckingham Palace. His outfit of choice was a monogrammed robe teamed with gingham pajamas and the sweetest aeroplane slippers. His parents were hosting a dinner for Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama, allowing little George to stay up past his bedtime to meet them. Poor George was up well past his bedtime, so his unusual attire was allowed.

It has been widely reported that royal children aren’t allowed to meet the heads of state; however, this simply isn’t the case since the Wales children have previously met Canada’s Justin Trudeau and Boris Johnson when he was Prime Minister of the UK. What was a breach of protocol, however, was George’s little outfit. Obama amusingly commented on the adorable moment at the time, joking that it was a slap in the face.

The British monarchy has undergone significant changes over the past few decades, adapting to shifts in public sentiment and societal expectations. Prince George’s upbringing and training are likely to continue this trend, emphasizing a more modern and relatable image of royalty. While tradition remains important, there is a growing recognition that the future king must also be seen as accessible and in touch with contemporary issues. This approach is expected to shape George’s education and experiences.

At his young age—he’s 11 in July 2024—Prince George knows he has a huge destiny ahead of him. But unlike Grandpa King Charles III, the young royal will have a bigger say in the road he takes to the throne. Royal biographer Robert Hardman has said that the king’s schooling in military service was laid out for him; he was told by a committee, “You will do this.” Prince William was allowed more leeway in his life choices and it is expected he’ll give his son the same courtesy.

More importantly, Hardman says William and Katherine are working together to help their son ease into his responsibilities so they won’t seem too daunting. There’s a belief to make it as unobtrusive and as normal—if you could call it normal—as pleasant as possible. Prince George’s path to kingship is set to be distinctly different from that of his father and grandfather. By incorporating modern values, broad educational experiences, and a focus on mental well-being, his training will aim to create a well-rounded, empathetic, and relatable future king.

Prince William and Princess Katherine have consistently aimed to provide their children with a sense of normalcy despite their royal status. Prince George, along with his siblings, attends a mainstream school and participates in everyday activities. This grounding in normal childhood experiences is expected to be a key component of his preparation for the throne.

Growing up in the digital age, Prince George will need to navigate the complexities of media and public engagement in ways that previous generations did not. His training will likely include a focus on media literacy, public speaking, and effective use of social media. By allowing George to grow up in a relatively ordinary environment, the Prince and Princess of Wales hope to foster a sense of empathy and understanding that will be crucial for his future role. This approach contrasts with the more secluded and traditional upbringing of previous eras.

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