NewRoyal Family

Kate Middleton reveals disturbing updates on why she’s absent from royal duties after cancer diagnos

Princess Catherine, the Princess of Wales, recently apologized to the Irish Guards, a British Army foot guards regiment, for missing the final rehearsal of the Trooping the Colour ceremony. In a heartfelt letter, she expressed her pride and support for the regiment. This news was shared in a video post by the Irish Guards, where her letter was read aloud, moving many viewers.

In her letter, Princess Catherine wrote:

“I wanted to write and let you know how proud I am of the entire regiment ahead of the Colonel’s Review and Trooping the Colour. I value everybody marching this year who has been rehearsing for quite a long time and devoting numerous hours to guaranteeing their outfits and drill are flawless. Being your Colonel remains a great honor, and I’m very sorry that I’m unable to take the salute at this year’s Colonel’s Review. Please pass my apologies to the whole regiment. However, I do hope I can represent you all soon. Please send my very best wishes and good luck to all involved.”

The letter, delivered on monogrammed paper, concluded with her handwritten note of the Irish Guards’ motto, “Quis Separabit” (Who shall separate us), and her signature, “Colonel Catherine.”

The final rehearsal, known as the Colonel’s Review, serves as a preparation for the King’s Birthday Parade, which will take place on June 15th. Princess Catherine, who holds the role of Colonel of the Irish Guards, is usually expected to attend this high-profile event. However, due to her recent cancer diagnosis and ongoing preventive chemotherapy treatments following an abdominal surgery, she has been taking a break from public appearances.

In response to the letter, the Irish Guards shared their appreciation:

“The Irish Guards were deeply moved to receive a letter this morning from our Colonel, Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales. We continue to wish Her Royal Highness well in her recovery and send our very best wishes.”

The regiment’s video showed them listening to the letter being read and applauding at the end, showcasing their respect and support for their Colonel. In Princess Catherine’s place, Lieutenant General James Bucknall, the former leader of the United Kingdom’s Rapid Reaction Corps, took the salute at the Colonel’s Review.

Princess Catherine’s open communication and heartfelt messages have resonated with the public and the regiment, reflecting her dedication and courage even during her personal health challenges. The public continues to show immense support and admiration for her strength and resilience as she focuses on her recovery.

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